Dinner and a Movie Final
"Greener on the Other Side" Inspired by Barfly (1987) The image above conveys ideas about class division. The single plate represents how an individual is faced with few options and the surrounding objects, on and around the plate, speak to the stereotypes we assign to different class levels. I used corn to symbolize the lower and upper class. The fresh corn on the cob and the perfect, square slice of butter represents access to appealing and healthy food that the upper class has recourses to. The canned food suggests the lack of resources the lower class has. The buttered corn on the cob is paired with silver utensils on a folded napkin and a wine glass represent the abundance and privilege the upper class has with having more money. The opposing side with the off-brand canned corn is paired with plastic utensils, a paper napkin, and a tipped over whisky glass. this represents the lack of resources and privilege the lower class has. The left side of the i...